Directed by; Louise Hill
Written by; Louise Monaghan
Produced by; Dapper Productions
Last month (Wednesday 24th July) on a lovely summer's evening in the heart of the Northern Quarter, I had the pleasure of attending a unique performance of the play entitled "Myspace". Invited by one of my best friends, I had heard very good things but wasn't sure what to expect.
Staged in 2022NQ, one of Manchester's finest quirky bars, clubs and exhibition venues, I was surprised to find all of the production, cast and audience neatly tucked away in such a small intimate space. It was a great choice for location with nostalgic tiled walls and a large open stage where the cast walked freely adjacent to the audience.
Written by Louise Monaghan past winner of Bruntwood Prize Judge's Award; the story surrounds five individuals, four youths and one elderly man aptly named "Mad Harry" played by the amazing Kenneth Alan Taylor (pictured with me below).
After a fast-paced duration of only 60 minutes, Myspace had given you a meaningful introduction to all of the characters, showcasing their individual personalities, issues & emotions; and by the end you wholeheartedly felt like you knew them.
Throughout the play, Myspace collectively explored issues concerning adolescence, prejudice, racism and social class. Over time bonds were formed, confrontation was faced and an endless array of Harry's reminiscent romantic memories were presented to the audience in such a sensitive manner.
Surprisingly the use of Parkour (movement in the form of climbing, jumping, running and creative vaulting) was skillfully demonstrated by George Oluyinka throughout his performance as Leeroy. This interesting form of self-expression; instilled an urban edge in Myspace & complimented the group performance wonderfully; injecting a modern youthful energy and essence.
Myspace boasts a pragmatic script, heart-warming, gritty and compelling in emotion. With such a fantastic crew and production team to match! I loved it... a definitive must see!
For more info about Myspace or the 24:7 Theatre Festival Click... HERE
#Dapper Productions... is a new Manchester based Theatrical company founded only this year, they are always on the lookout for new talent.
(I'd appreciate any comments or feedback guys as this is my first proper review Thanks!) Kate xxx
(I'd appreciate any comments or feedback guys as this is my first proper review Thanks!) Kate xxx
Nice one kate, good to see you blogging once again. You make it sound great, I didn't even know they did this kind of stuff down there.
Thanks Matt, yeah I was invited by a friend pretty cool venue for a play! Will give you a heads up in future, anything else worth seeing!
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