June 28, 2011

Illustration & Style Icon...must be Verhoeven

For as long as I can remember I have so very admired and gushed quite a fair bit at the work of British Illustrator Julie Verhoeven. Her drawings are captivating flamboyant, vivacious and provocative. Her explosive use of colour depicts her invented sinister-esque characters well bringing them to life, giving them personality and an identity within the fashion world.

Not only is she a fab illustrator, she is an incredibly eccentric snappy dresser too. Rarely seen without clashing bold prints, patterns and spots in sight, Verhoeven's wardrobe epitomises her character ideals and their mischievous yet scantily clad acid individuality.

Throughout my life as both a student and now graduate, I find myself constantly referencing her work for inspiration, technique and color theory. She is indefinitely on my list of icons, not only for her tremendous artistic contribution to the fashion and arts world...pushing boundaries for print and illustration to be featured more in fashion through mutual collaboration. But also for her fabulous style, living inspiration and artistic genius. Amazing lady!!!


All illustrative images courtesy of Julie Verhoeven & Portrait photographs courtesy of Anothermag and Showstudio.


Neon Whispers said...

Fab post - I am in love with these illustrations! Thanks for introducing Verhoeven to me, definitely a favourite from now on.

Matthew Spade said...

pretty surreal, she looks like she would be fun.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Gorgeous work. I'm not suprised you choose to reference it. I love illustrations with a little bit of a kick and some abstract expressionism thrown in for good measure. Some of the work is ethereal and some is filled with attitude. Lovely.

MC said...

very cool illustrations!
x mc
