July 04, 2011


Last week I entered a competition on Facebook to win a job at Very.co.uk. Quite exciting as you get to work in fashion, help design collections and complete the team as the 5th member! Something which I am well and truly up for not to mention a £50k wage!!! The competition closes on the 6th July, the running is decided by voting online. 

So far I have 69 votes, and need as many I can get. The Very team choose the top 3 with the most votes, and then a 4th person with 50 or more votes for the wildcard entry! I'm in with a chance!!! :) 


Please could you vote for me so I can win a brand spanking new job and get my foot on the career ladder! I would really appreciate it and love you forever!!!

All you need to do is-

  1. First click here to follow the link and Like the Facebook Very page. 
  2. Then search for me under entries and Click Vote!!

Thankyou to all the lovely guys and dolls who have voted for me already. Much Love XXX

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Jonas, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I checked yours out too Great photos!

Kate x
